Do you have a friend, family member, or co-worker who makes you feel bad about yourself? Someone who is always negative and puts you down? If so, then you are likely dealing with a toxic person.
Toxic people can be extremely damaging to our mental health and wellbeing, and it is important to learn how to identify them and deal with their toxic behaviors effectively.
In this blog post, we will discuss 6 signs that indicate someone is toxic, as well as tips on how to deal with your toxic family members, toxic friend, or toxic mother.
Signs You Are Dealing With A Toxic Person
1. They are always negative and critical.
Most of us have had the unfortunate experience of being around someone who is just toxic. You know the type – they’re always negative and critical and just bring everyone down.
They might make comments like, “You’re always so lazy,” “You’re never going to amount to anything,” or “No wonder your relationships always fail.”
They might be a co-worker who’s always complaining or a friend who’s always putting you down. Whatever the case, it’s important to avoid these kinds of people if you can.
These toxic people are just energy vampires who thrive on making other people feel bad about themselves. They can really suck your life out and are just not worth your time and energy. If you can’t avoid them completely, try to limit your exposure as much as possible. And if all else fails, just remember that it’s their problem, not yours. Don’t let them bring you down.
2. They put you down and make you feel bad about yourself.
Being around toxic people is never any fun. They always seem to have something negative to say and consistently try to bring you down.
If you’re feeling good about yourself, they’ll find a way to make you feel bad. If you’re having a bad day, they’ll find a way to make it worse. And if you’re already feeling down, they’ll do everything they can to keep you there.
They might say things like “you’re not good enough,” “you’re not smart enough,” or “you’re not pretty enough.” They might also say, “you’re not thin enough” or “you’ll never be as successful as me.”
Toxic people are just negative energy, and being around them is draining. That’s why it’s so important to limit your exposure to them. Spend your time with positive, supportive people instead – people who will make you feel good about yourself and help you reach your goals. You’ll be much happier and more successful in life if you do.
3. They are manipulative and often guilt trip you.
Toxic people are often manipulative, and they’re experts at guilt-tripping. They know how to push your buttons and make you feel guilty, even when it’s not your fault.
They might say things like, “You’re always so busy,” “You never have time for me,” or “You’re always working.” They might also say, “You never spend any time with your family,” or “You’re such a bad friend.”
These people are often very charming and seem like they care about you. However, their ultimate goal is to control your emotions and get what they want from you. They may lie to you or try to make you feel guilty to get their way.
Once they have what they want, they often turn against you and treat you poorly. If you’re not careful, these toxic people can take advantage of your kindness and good nature. Pay attention to the warning signs to avoid getting caught up in a toxic relationship.
4. They are emotionally draining and toxic to be around.
If you feel drained and exhausted after spending time with someone, it’s a sign that they are toxic. Toxic people make you feel anxious, depressed, angry, resentful, and hopeless. Plus, they’re just really hard to be around.
You might feel like you’re always walking on eggshells around them or that you can never say or do the right thing. You might feel like you’re always on edge, waiting for them to blow up at you. These are all signs that you’re in a toxic relationship.
It’s important to realize that you don’t have to put up with this kind of treatment. You deserve to be treated with respect, and you don’t have to tolerate someone who makes you feel bad about yourself.
A healthy relationship should make you feel good about yourself and your mental health. If you constantly feel worse after spending time with someone, it’s a sign that you need to distance yourself from them.
5. They lack empathy and compassion for others.
Toxic people lack empathy and compassion for others, and they’re always looking for ways to take advantage of the situation. They’re the ones who always seem surrounded by drama and are quick to spread gossip and make cutting remarks.
They might say things like, “I can’t believe she’s dating him,” or “She’s so stupid for staying with him.” They might also say, “I would never put up with that,” or “I can’t believe she’s still talking to him.”
Additionally, They might cheat on their partners, lie to their friends, steal from their family members, or betray their trust. These people don’t care about anyone, but themselves and are not afraid to hurt others to get what they want.
These toxic people are always quick to judge and criticize others, but they cannot see things from another perspective. They’re also unwilling or unable to empathize with others and often enjoy seeing others suffer.
Related: Is It Rare To Be An Empath?
6. They Abuse You Verbally, Physically, or Emotionally
It is generally agreed upon that abusing another person, be it physically or emotionally, is not acceptable. Unfortunately, though, toxic relationships don’t always start with abuse. They can often seem perfect in the beginning.
This is why it’s important to be aware of the warning signs of an abusive relationship. If your partner regularly puts you down or tries to control what you do, these are red flags that the relationship is heading in a dangerous direction.
It doesn’t matter how many times they promise to change or how much you try to forgive them, it is best to end all ties with an abuser as soon as it starts, even if it’s deliberate. Although toxic relationships don’t always turn out to be abusive, they are all harmful, and it is best to avoid them altogether.
How to deal with a toxic person?
When dealing with a toxic person, it is vital to take steps to protect yourself from their negativity and emotional damage. Here are some tips on how to deal with them:
- Don’t take everything they say to heart.
- Limit your exposure to them as much as possible.
- Set boundaries and stick to them.
- Don’t engage in arguments or try to reason with them as soon as you notice toxic behaviors.
- Keep your distance and don’t let them control you.
- Seek professional help if you’re struggling to cope.
However, the most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to put up with toxic behavior from anyone. You deserve to be treated with respect, and you should never feel like you have to tolerate someone who makes you feel bad about yourself. If you’re in a toxic relationship, don’t be afraid to reach out for help.
These are all red flags that indicate you are in a toxic relationship. If you’re feeling any of these things, it’s time to take a step back and reassess your relationship. You deserve to be around people who make you feel good, not bad.
If you’re unsure if your relationship is toxic, ask yourself this question: does this person make me feel good about myself or bad? If the answer is bad, it’s time to distance yourself from that person.
Toxic friends are often negative and bring other people down with them. If you feel negative and stressed after spending time with someone, it’s a sign that they are toxic. You should try to distance yourself from these people as much as possible.
It’s important to remember that you don’t have to put up with toxic behavior from anyone. When dealing with a toxic person, you have the right to set boundaries and distance yourself from them. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about yourself and mental health – you deserve better!
What are some other signs that you are dealing with a toxic person? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Recommended Reading:
- Signs You Were Raised by a Toxic Mother
- How to Deal with Toxic Parents When You Live with Them
- How to Survive Toxic Environment at Home?
- Signs of Toxic Parents in Adulthood
- What to Do When Your Boss Makes You Feel Incompetent?
- How to Deal with People Who Put You Down?
- 11 Warning Signs Someone is Plotting Against You
- 9 Things Toxic Partners Say
- How to Stop Going Back to a Toxic Relationship?