So, you got into the course you wanted and the classes have gained full momentum.
The initial days at the university must have been exciting and fun. You were soaking up the atmosphere and getting to know new friends.
Days passed by and turned into weeks and months. And, now you find that exams are coming up soon and there is so much to do.
Are you panicking and feeling stressed?
You know that there is no need to feel anxious. You have followed the classes well and are up to date with your studies. All that you need to do is focus on your studies until the exams are over.
If you are having trouble concentrating when studying, you would be relieved to know that there is help at hand for you. You can tap on the amazing power of healing crystals to help you focus better on your studies.
This article will guide you through the world of crystals to help find the right ones for you. If you are unfamiliar with crystals, you would be surprised to know that there are specific crystals for each occasion. The healing crystals listed here are all meant for students to alleviate stress and focus better.
20 powerful crystals for learning and memory
University life is both fun and stressful in equal measures. There is always so much going on to distract you from your studies. At the same time, you need to do well in the exams to ensure that you come out successful.
Striking a balance between these two inevitable parts of university life can be hard for most students. A little bit of extra help is always welcome. And, this is what crystals can offer you.
How can crystals help?
Crystals are formed in nature organically as a result of various geological processes over thousands of years. During this process, some of the energy gets trapped in its crystalline form. The crystals continue to radiate this energy in their surroundings and anyone near it will absorb it.
This means keeping a crystal close enough will impart you with energy. As your level of positive energy goes up, it will give you better control over your mind. In short, you will be able to do what you want to do without getting distracted by various goings-on.
Now, you may ask, “What crystals are good for studying?”
Here’s the list of 20 healing crystals for good grades to bring more focus and improve your ability to absorb and retain knowledge.
1. Amazonite
This beautiful blue-green crystal is known to possess the same relaxing and calming properties as its namesake, the majestic Amazon River. This stone is linked to both your throat and heart chakras and has a positive influence on your nervous system.
If you are agitated and panicking about how you will handle all the studies in a short time span, amazonite is the crystal for you. It can help you calm down and ultimately help you focus on the job at hand better.
2. Amethyst
For a novice at crystal healing, amethyst is excellent as the first choice. Offering multiple benefits for your mental and physical health, this stone is considered the best option when you find your mind wandering. The energy from amethyst can help you calm down and focus better.
Amethyst is also associated with restful sleep, which is vital for better focus. Keeping the crystal on your bed stand can help you in multiple ways.
3. Black Agate
Are doubts creeping into your mental space derailing your exam preparation? Even if you study and are well-prepared, these undesirable nagging thoughts can create so much destruction. Having a black agate crystal is useful in dispelling negative energy from your mind.
Black crystals are always associated with eliminating negativity. Once you manage to remove the question marks, the self-doubts and insecurities, from your life, you can make the best of what you have learned.
4. Black Tourmaline
Are you being distracted by the activities of others around you? Or do you find it hard to keep away from your phone? So many interesting activities seem to entice you when you want to focus on your studies. Your decision to stay focused just seems to melt away and you find yourself wasting away precious time on extraneous activities.
Keep a black tourmaline on your desk. Like all black crystals, this one too will protect you from negative energy.
5. Blue Sodalite
You just need to look at this beautiful crystal to calm down. As the exams are approaching, it is natural to feel overwhelmed even with the best of preparations. You may end up muddling up what you have learned and make a mess of the whole situation.
Blue sodalite is well-known to bring calmness and help you think sensibly. Once you start thinking straight, everything will fall into place. It will allow you to do what you want without distractions and interference.
6. Calcite
As exams approach and you have too much learning to do, it is easy to understand why you are feeling overwhelmed by it all. Only if there is some way to know what is important and what you can omit, it would make it so much easier. In this scenario, calcite is your best bet.
It is one of the popular choices among students who are looking for help in filtering down study material. Calcite can help you distinguish between what is essential and what is not. This can help reduce stress levels.
7. Carnelian
This brown-red translucent crystal is known as the stone of endurance and motivation – two vital requirements for students. When there is too much noise around you, distracting you from studying, carnelian crystal can bring stability to your environment.
This crystal works by balancing the energy in its immediate vicinity. This makes you function better despite the presence of distractions.
8. Chlorite
Not impressive in appearance, chlorite is the best crystal to improve your attention span. If you are unable to concentrate on studies for long and find your mind wandering after an hour or so, chlorite will be helpful.
A good companion for students, chlorite also helps in bringing calmness and clarity to the mind. It is also known to absorb negative energy in the environment and remove its influence over you.
9. Citrine
Are you feeling jittery and scared of the approaching exams? Keep a citrine crystal on your desk to ward off all the negative energy and imbibe courage and confidence in your mind. These exquisite yellow-orange crystals can expand your mindset and make you believe that sky’s the limit.
If you are looking for ways to dispel self-doubt and negativity, look no further.
10. Clear Quartz
This is a crystal offering multiple benefits for everyone, especially the student community. Usually associated with spirituality, clear quartz is a good addition to students as well.
It is known to have cleansing properties to remove unwanted thoughts and distractions. It also enhances the ability of the mind to retain information, much needed for students.
11. Fluorite
This crystal comes with unique properties that will help your mind to receive new thoughts and ideas. Also known as the genius crystal, fluorite helps you focus by stimulating your brain. This crystal is believed to activate both the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
For STEM students, purple fluorite is highly recommended, while yellow fluorite works better for students of arts and humanities, and green fluorite is known to promote originality.
12. Green Aventurine
With its multiple benefits, this beautiful green crystal is a good addition to a student’s desk. Associated with luck, courage, and calmness, green aventurine promotes a healthy and positive outlook on life.
If you find your mind struggling to keep up with the workload, this crystal can get your brain to function at its sharpest best in no time. These are also powerful chakra crystals for manifestation.
13. Hematite
Do you find your mind drifting away whenever you sit down to study? Don’t worry. Having a hematite crystal close at hand can solve the problem for you. Hematite is well-known for its grounding properties, an essential requirement for students.
Hematite crystal is known to promote clarity of thought and help you focus better. It also aids in boosting positive energy and self-confidence.
14. Lapis lazuli
This exquisite blue crystal is associated with the throat and third eye chakras. They are known to boost self-awareness and wisdom. If you are feeling confused as to what to do or unable to concentrate on the job at hand, lapis lazuli can work wonders. Every time you stray from your goal, it will remind you of it and bring you back on track.
15. Malachite
These captivating green crystals for memory can be of immense help to students. Known for its protective properties as well as its ability to boost information processing, malachite is a must-have for students.
Its benefits don’t end there. Malachite is great at dispelling negative energy from the environment and maintaining a clean and calm atmosphere conducive to studying.
16. Pyrite
Also known as fool’s gold, this gold-yellow crystal with a metallic luster is a combination of beauty and brains. Excellent addition to a student’s desk, pyrite acts as a motivating and mental strengthening tool.
The crystal is known to absorb negativity from its surroundings and bring success to its owner.
17. Rose Quartz
Lovely to look at as well as beneficial in many ways, rose quartz is a perfect crystal for the student community. If you feel burnt out and bogged down by too much studying, rose quartz can soothe your nerves and help you calm down.
It promotes self-love and positive energy to make you believe that anything is possible.
18. Selenite
Selenite is an excellent addition to a student’s desk as it energizes other chakra crystals even while offering multiple benefits. This crystal is linked to energy cleansing and calming properties. You can buy yourself a selenite charging plate to keep your crystal collection organized and derive benefits from its soothing effect.
19. Smokey Quartz
When things start feeling too overwhelming, clouding your judgment and ability to focus, smokey quartz is the right crystal for you. It helps in regaining balance in life and clears your mind of all the irrelevant clutter. Stress, anxiety, or anything else creating roadblocks on your path to success are easily removed by this amazing crystal.
20. Tiger’s Eye
Gorgeous in appearance as the name suggests, the tiger’s eye is intense and powerful with multiple benefits. Often used by novices when they begin their spiritual journey, this crystal can help you calm down, feel courageous, and believe in yourself.
Bottom line
A student’s desk is the ideal place to keep crystals. You may keep some of them on your bed stand as well. No matter where you keep them, it is crucial that you cleanse the crystals periodically. As most crystals absorb negative energy from the environment, to get the best out of them, they need to be cleared and purified.
Even for a student, this is not hard work. Just allow water to run and place the crystal under running water. Just pat them dry later. You can also energize the crystals by leaving them under sunlight or moonlight.
The extra care you give these best crystals for studying will help you reap rich dividends.
Recommended Reading:
- How to Manifest Good Grades Using The Law of Attraction
- 60 Mindfulness Journal Prompts for Students
- How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
- 11 Best Crystals for Scorpio
- 10 Best Crystals for Self-Confidence
- 16 Best Crystals for Manifesting Love
- How to Manifest with Crystals
- How to Use the Pomodoro Technique for Studying